I keep mentioning windows and timelinks in the descriptions of so many of my quartz, especially the Brandbergs, but also many of the Zambian quartz and Kundalini quartz, and I get asked about them. And so here is a short explanation for those who would like some information about them.
The windows and timelinks that are found on quartz faces are known as portals. These quartz crystals are teacher crystals, like many others, and have much to show us and can support deep soul healing within us.
What is a portal?
Very simply, a portal is a doorway, or opening, to another realm or dimension of our consciousness. Once through the portal we connect directly to universal energy. There is no linear time as we know it and so we may find ourselves back in the past or forward in the future. It often becomes like a travelogue as once through the portal we can travel instantly to different places, which may be on Earth, or we could find ourself somewhere in the cosmos. We may go under water, we may stay on the ground, or we may float up to the clouds. We may meet other beings, guides, spirit guides or angels. We may become different, such as a different age, or wearing different clothes. The experience is a very personal journey.
In these other realms or dimensions we can receive information and insight, and symbolic messages that are healing. This may be a mental, emotional, spiritual or physical healing, and quite likely more that one of these. The experience will help to enhance your spiritual awakening, raise your vibration and increase your intuition. If a crystal with one of these portals shows up in your life it is generally a sign that you are ready to work with it.
How do we recognise a portal in a quartz crystal?
A window is a symmetrical diamond shaped face in the termination of a quartz crystal. The points of the diamond window face north, south, east and west.

The window acts as a portal to connect with universal energy and your higher Self. This enables you to look deeper in to yourself and discover the true you. The window will appear when you are ready to accept this truth. This will help heal parts of your inner Self. It does this by helping to release blocked energies caused by some past event in your life. It can help you to release emotions, gain insight and increase intuition.
The window can support you to balance the left and right side of your brain due to its symmetry. It will help in balancing the yin and yang energies - the masculine / feminine energies.
The window can also be utilised to connect with universal energy in regards to relationships, community and world issues. This is done by setting an intention or asking a specific question as you open the portal.
Timelinks are parallelogram faces on the termination of the quartz and either lean left or right. They vary in size from very thin to large and bold. They can be long or short.

A left leaning timelink is a link to the past, and this could be in this life or a past life. It can create a link to ancestral lines and to ancient civilisations. This timelink can also assist with connection to nature and the realm of Fae, and to mystery and magic. A left leaning timelink can be an aid to explore your shadow Self.
A left leaning timelink will activate the right hemisphere of the brain. This side of your brain is the creative part and is intuitive, it is where your emotions are triggered and is the store room of your emotional intelligence. The right side of your brain is where your memory resides.
A right leaning timelink offers access to the future and advanced teachings, philosophies and ideas. It can offer a vision on future technologies and events, and is a bridge to the celestial realms and light beings.
A right leaning timelink will activate the left hemisphere of the brain. This is the place of logic, reason and linear thinking, of intelligence and cognition. The left side of the brain understands maths, technology and the sciences.
How do I work with these portals?
The best way to work with the portals is through channelling and meditation. By projecting your consciousness you can focus attention on a specific question to receive information, wisdom and insight. Or you can just hold the quartz crystal and get to know it and let it release the information it is ready to give you.
Before working with these portals make sure you ground and protect yourself. Before channelling always state that you are doing this for the highest good.
As you go in to channelling or meditation mode and focus your consciousness, hold your crystal in your preferred hand and rub your thumb over the portal towards you a few times to open it up. Allow yourself to go in to a meditative state.
It is very important to return to the place where you started when you travel to different dimensions. Also, you must always close the portal when you have finished the channelling or meditation. Do this by rubbing your thumb over the portal away from you a few times.
If you have not worked with portals before, I recommend you find an experienced crystal therapist to introduce you to the technique. Because it is a therapeutic deep healing technique and shifts energies, it could cause a release that you need support with. Crystals have a habit of bringing stuff up that we weren’t necessarily expecting.
If you would like more information regarding the therapeutic healing aspect of the portals, or have any other query relating to this post, please feel free to contact me, either by messenger, live chat or email. I will respond as soon as I am able, which will normally be within 24 hours.
To view Brandberg quartz with windows and timelinks click on the piccy below.

**Please note: therapeutic healing with crystals and minerals is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. If you have a health problem, please consult your GP.
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Jo 💜