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Hollandite Star Quartz

Hollandite Star Quartz


This cute little double terminated Hollandite Star Quartz has two visible black stars within the slightly misty interior. There is a well balanced five sided Isis face on the termination. The point is partly surrounded by smaller upward facing parallel points. The bare sides reveal another termination. A sweet specimen with some interesting features.


2.3 x 2 x 1.7cm

This Hollandite Star Quartz is an extremely RARE and highly collectible quartz, which has been found in a small deposit in Madagascar and is of very limited supply. It is ethically mined and as far as I’m aware it is available from just one source. I have been incredibly fortunate in making contact with this source. However, it is highly likely they won't become available again.


The Hollandite within the quartz forms as tiny stars. The hollandite is a barium manganese oxide and is monoclinic and MOHs 4-6.


Methaphysical Qualities

(info from The Book of Stones: Robert Simmons; Naisha Ahsian)


Keywords: Path of destiny, higher Self, regeneration, spiritual insight, increased light.


Affirmation: I awaken my spiritual purpose and I choose to fulfil my highest destiny.

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